Join us at an event to find clarity

For God's Direction

In your life

Our Clarity Events currently take place three times a year throughout the country.

 These bring ministry leaders together for a conversation about how not to lose your soul while leading God’s church and leadership development. We desire a culture that does not ask you about your ministry position, how many you run in attendance, or what your ministry budget is. Still, a culture that meets each other on a first-name basis, understanding that our identity is Jesus Christ and you are loved right where you are.

At these events, you will get clear next steps for your growth journey and meet other ministry leaders like you who are not perfect but seek to be close to their Heavenly Father as they lead His church.

What it is all about

It is without question that we are living in uncertain times. Our culture is operating under the curse of relativism, so it is necessary, more now than ever, that Christian leaders advance with total clarity. We can’t give away what we can’t give, which is why these CLARITY EVENTS matter.

Our passion is to help church leaders and entrepreneurs from around the country find clarity for God’s direction in their life so they can help others do the same.

Ministry leaders will converge for a two-day event that will work to accomplish the following objectives.


Individual Soul Care

Individual Soul Care will dive deeply into the participant’s life through strategic teachings and conversations that will invoke personal evaluation of the individual’s mental and emotional health. We will accomplish this through a 3 phase evaluation process.

1: Inventory

2: Identify

3: Interrupt

Every outward behavior that leads to chaos and insanity manifests inward brokenness and disconnect.

The core purpose of this objective is to help each INVENTORY their negative behaviors and patterns, IDENTIFY the root cause, and implement the tools necessary to INTERRUPT what is interrupting their success.

There will be time for reflection, sharing, confession, and healing. The Individual Soul Care portion of THE CLARITY event will be held on the second day and will end with communion and worship.


Intelligent Leadership Development

Intelligent Leadership Development consists of evaluating leaders and organizations through 4 phases:

1: Awareness

2: Assessment

3: Action

4: Achievement

During this evaluation, we challenge each leader to observe their current leadership infrastructures and strategies and identify opportunities for improvement.

The core purpose of this objective is for every leader to become AWARE of the obstructions that impede their growth, ASSESS their current leadership philosophies, take ACTION to implement necessary changes, and empower them to ultimate ACHIEVEMENT of these new strategies.

The Intelligent Leadership Development portion of THE CLARITY event will be held on the first day, and accomplished leaders will lead from around the country.

Upcoming Clarity Events




Check Back for Upcoming dates

Clarity SOUTH - Fort Worth, TX

Clarity West - Phoenix, AZ