clarity events
These workshops give you a clear direction and a new path forward in ministry.
They don’t know where to find the strength they need to meet all the needs that press on them. They are losing their soul while pursuing their calling.
Ministry is complex and confusing on a personal level for families and in managing the difficulties and complexities of church life.
Many of these leaders are under-resourced and lead while experiencing loneliness and pressure.
These workshops give you a clear direction and a new path forward in ministry.
Coaching and mentoring can bring us encouragement, growth, and the simple reminder that we are not alone.
One of the biggest things that ministry leaders struggle with is prioritizing rest and restoration for themselves.
An online experience that focuses on not losing your soul while you are leading God’s church.
Clarity Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to helping pastors, ministry leaders, and Christian business leaders find clarity in God’s direction for their lives.